August 27, 2010

Time, there just isn’t enough of it…

Having graduated from my student life and now entered the real world, I’ve come to notice the vast shortage of time in my new life. From making my own schedule to following a set work schedule, having to more carefully manage one’s time is a difficult change but one worth making. This week at Comrise, we Leadership in Training Associates seized onto our “Time Management Lunch and Learn Session.” We learned all the different ways in which we waste our time and how we can properly allocate the precious 24 hours we are given in one day. Randy Pausch, a well known and respected scholar who passed away in 2008 due to pancreatic cancer, didn’t leave without sharing his helpful insight in his last few months. General Manager Tom Liou is a big believer of Randy’s philosophy on efficiency and took this opportunity to expose the Leadership in Training Associates to the secrets of time management.

Here are a few highlights that I personally liked that can help one be more organized and time effective:

1- Create a to do list
2- Buy yourself a calendar or organizer
3- Ask yourself which tasks are more important rather than simply due sooner
4- Turn off your T.V. for a week and see how you can allocate your time differently
5- Always write stuff down, it takes up less of your brain power to have to go back and remember it again

These are a few simple yet effective ways to better manage your time and be more efficient in your day. Take a look at this link to get the full scope of Randy’s lecture on time management to see how you can better use your time and thus accomplish more of the important things in your life:

Main valuable lesson for me: Time is the most valuable thing you can give to someone, because it is the one thing you’ll never get back. Use it wisely, whether you devote your time to yourself, your family, to work, or to the community - just never waste it!!

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