So far, our search to find a great 2010 Leadership in Training team has been a success. We had a very long, enriching Campus Recruitment season. Here is an in depth look at some of the wonderful candidates we had attend our Open House "super days" in March 2010. Thanks so much to all who attended and everyone who came out for campus recruiting, too.
They flew, drove, came by bus and train prepared to win a prized seat at Comrise. From Boston, NY, Pittsburgh and NJ they came, all ready to play the Comrise game. We threw down the gauntlet and off they ran. All dressed for success and well prepared, they shook hands, sat down, then ran around.
One arrived at 3 a.m. and laughed about his journey. He didn't miss a beat throughout the day. One explained how she wakes up at 4:30 to work out each day. Each person told a unique tale of leadership, accomplishment, and personality. They drew cities together without saying a word - debated social networks tie or win - recruited talent and revised budgets. Aside from very challenging classes, each talked about their work, their families, their faith, their activities and hopes for their future They explained how they could be an asset to the Comrise team
One story was better than the next - one played piano at Carnegie Hall - one graduates from Carnegie Mellon speaking Chinese and having already taught English in Shanghai. The piano player also skied moguls - to challenge himself. One owns an independent record label and clothing company. One was President of the Malaysian & Indonesian Students Society and in two years increased membership by 200% . One marketed the advantages of Newark, NJ to its business owners. One caddied - One campaigned for the President, One worked for the State's Attorney General. One was a member of the Women's Varsity Swimming and Diving Team.
They worked for MTV, Liz Claiborne, Rutgers Football, iCIMS, Thomson Reuters, Morgan Stanley, Pfizer, J&J, Becton Dickinson, The Boston Red Sox, Phillip Morris, Duane Reade. One works at Nobu and meets the stars.
They believe in service to others and live that belief. One raised $330,000 to send 650 students on Spring Break service trips to build homes in impoverished communities and also ran the college's financially independent newspaper, rescuing it from bankruptcy. Another raised $10,000O for a service trip to Mississippi. One adopted and worked to support a local grade school hoping to encourage kids to continue their education, and many more stories.
Together, they speak Mandarin, Maylay, Spanish, Latin, Hindi, Bengali, Hebrew, Urdu, Gujarati and English.
They attend: NYU, BC, Rutgers, and Carnegie Mellon,
If we listed all of their honors, they'd fill the whole page.
At the end of the day, each streamed out the door - with much of the energy they had coming in. Their enthusiasm was contagious. The hardest part is to select the best. We all look forward to their arrival in June.
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